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Minerals Shou Puerh

This cake is a part of our Elemental Tea Series, a four-tea set of Puerhs that is meant to examine differences in Puerhs while also connecting us to the natural world through tea. 

This tea was harvested in 2016 and pressed for us in 2020.  It has relaxed into its pressed state and offers a full body drinking experience.  The flavor is both deep and bright, as it is warms the throat while activating the roof of your mouth with an iron-rich tingle.  The flavor gets richer with each steep and lingers long after each sip.  Aromas of damp bark and rising dough give way to a smooth, deeply satisfying flavor.  Each sip can be felt internally as it builds warmth.

Tea plants develops flavor through their connection to the air, water and the soil.  Minerals are present in every soil structure and help to nurture tea plants and humans alike.  When drinking this tea, notice the increasing depth in flavor that comes with each steep.  As the water reaches deeper in to the leaf it brings us closer to the heart of the tea through the veins carrying precious minerals.  This tea has in innate ability to center us while nourishing us with the plentiful minerals it has absorbed.

*Wrapper art by Ali*

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